I read anything I get my hands on via my Google Reader, Twitter and can access via my laptop, IPad, and IPhone.

I am intrigued by the passion, energy, and talent behind every wave of technology start ups from Silicon Valley to New York City and beyond.

I am a unique blend of a IT, data, programming, product development, business development and online and social media marketing skills.

I thrive on taking ideas and turning them in to web applications, with a focus on distributed programming using Application Programming Interfaces (API). From social applications, cloud computing to mobile applications, APIs are the driving heartbeat.

I focus on the Business of APis, taking my understanding of the technical side of APIs and working to better understand what is necessary to be successful in this new API driven marketplace.

I don’t just work in the technology field, I live it daily. There is no line where work begins or ends, I am constantly learning and growing.

I live technology, and I balance that with a life of travel between Oregon, California, and New York, spending time with my daughter Kaia, and girlfriend Audrey.

I am the API Evangelist for Mimeo.com a web to print company in New York.

You can follow my personal blog at kinlane.com and my business blog at apievangelist.com

Stay tuned, because 2011 is going to be a very exciting year.